Membership Details

Membership Details

The membership of the ISTAC® is open primarily to specialist doctors certified by an Indian University (holding Masters degree in Surgery or M.D. qualification recognized by the Medical Council of India), National Board of Examinations and will have evidenced special Interest in the field of Trauma , Acute and Intensive Care by his/her teaching through Lectures and/or writings or who has clinical or basic science interest in the field.

Trauma, Acute and Intensive care refers to all aspects of Trauma Care including primary through definitive and intensive care thereby making membership available to General Surgeons, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Neurosurgeons, Plastic Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, Emergency Physicians and Intensivists, and other sub-specialties of General Surgery who meet the same criteria as General Surgeons. The membership is subject to fulfilment of the terms and conditions of the society and subject to the approval of the Governing body of the society.

The associate membership of ISTAC® is open to all non-medical professionals working in the field of Trauma and Acute care; this would include Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation specialists, Nursing professionals, Paramedics and any other basic science specialty working in the field of Trauma Care and Research.

The membership committee of the Governing Body of ISTAC® can nominate any professional person as Emeritus/Honorary member without any financial subscription/fee being charged to the person. He/she will enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership except the right to vote. He/she shall abide by the duties, rules and regulations of the society.

The membership is open to foreign nationals as the paid members of the Society, and will enjoy all privileges of Members including right to vote during the general body. The membership application has to be approved by the membership committee of the Governing Body.

Prospective members will be invited to ISTAC® by recommendation of any active member, who is in good standing. Applications of Prospective members will be forwarded by their sponsor to the membership committee of Governing Body.

If the membership is not approved by the membership committee of Governing Body of the society, the reason of refusal shall be communicated to the person/applicant concerned.

  • Individual Members - Rs.2000/-
  • Associate Members - Rs.1500/-
  • Student Members - Rs.500/-
  • Emeritus/Honorary Membership - No Fees applicable
  • Membership to Foreign Nationals - Life Member (Non SAARC nation): $100.00 only
  • Membership to Foreign Nationals - Life Member (SAARC nation): Rs.2500/-

The Governing body of the ISTAC shall have the powers to expel/terminate a member or/ and members, from the membership of the above society, on the following grounds:

  • on death
  • on written resignation
  • if found to be involved in any anti-social activities
  • if adjudged by any court of law to be a criminal offender
  • if found guilty by means of anti-propaganda of the Aims and Objects of the society
  • if fails to pay the subscription of contribution for three months
  • it has not attended three consecutive meetings
  • if disregards Rules & Regulations or disobey the decisions of the governing Body

The decision and reasons of the governing Body regarding the termination from the membership of the society, shall be communicated to the member concerned, at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of termination of membership. If the member wishes to appeal the decision, the President must be notified by registered mail not later than thirty (30) business days after termination notice was delivered. Upcoming Events TRAUMA India 2024 | Coming Soon Contact Us Address: V3, Ground Floor, Green Park Extension. New Delhi, 110016, India Email: Phone: 9311625287 (Mon- Fri 10 AM to 04 PM) on working days